5 best and worst drinks for weight loss

Drinks for weight loss 
best and worst drinks for weight loss

 When it comes to losing weight, the people's attention focused on the food and Aantbhon that drinks a factor very large increase in weight and contains high-calorie, if you exercise caution also when your drinking any drinks and your knowledge of the extent of its impact on your health and your weight loss. Can choose drinks that help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism, reduce your appetite, and reduce the total calories, or vice versa. Here are some of the best and worst drinks for weight loss:

 The best drinks for Weight Loss 

1. The water 

 Water is definitely the best drink for weight loss. It can help to preserve the feeling of satiety for a longer period and reduce your appetite. Are advised to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Studies have found that drinking water before a meal helps to eat less at meals. In addition, new research suggests that drinking plenty of water can have a positive effect on your metabolism. It is estimated that increasing your water intake by two cups a day can cause a 30% increase in metabolic rate, which in turn increases the number of calories you burn.

2. Green tea 

 Green tea is the best drink for people who are looking for weight loss. Some compounds found in green tea may help speed up your metabolism and suppress your appetite, and thus can lead to weight loss. For optimum result, it is advisable to drink green tea twice a day.

3. Vegetable juice 

 The vegetables are naturally low in sugar content and high in fiber, and can take the juice of vegetables varied helps suppress appetite, causing eating less food. Study may suggest that the presence of one cup of vegetable juice before meals and cut down calorie consumption by 30 percent.

 4. Smoty Green 

 Smoty Green helps you lose weight ideal it is also packed in fiber and low in fat. Making green juice is very simple. Just add fresh vegetables and some water and ice in a blender, and blend well. The best ingredients to add to your green juices are apple (with peel), and blueberries, raspberries, bananas, celery, carrots, cucumbers, and all leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, turnip. It is important to maintain a simple combinations of four or less, and these components help digest easier. For optimum weight loss, you must chew green vegetables whatever strange at first. Ingestion because without good chewing will cause more sugar to enter the bloodstream, making it difficult to lose weight.

5. Coconut water 

 Coconut water contains many electrolytes, which can increase the metabolic rate. It is a great alternative for most commercial juices and energy drinks that contain a lot of calories and sugar, which can contribute to weight gain.

Worst drinks for Weight Loss 

1. Carbonated water 

 Soda contains a lot of sugar and empty calories. It's simply the calories of sugar. Diets that contain a lot of sugar can lead to weight gain and obesity.

 2. Energy drinks 

Most energy drinks contain a lot of sugar - about the same amount of sugar in soda. This sugar may give your energy a boost (on top of the caffeine). We advise against breeding them enough once from time to time, but when addressed by consuming too much sugar can cause tooth decay and weight gain.

 3. Coffee 

 Coffee with a little sugar and skimmed milk may not be too bad, but coffee with cream gives you more calories than a full meal. It also contains carbohydrates. If you really want to drink coffee, it is best dealt with at home. Use a small amount of fat, or even prefer non-dairy milk, such as almond, and industrial use of sugar for sweetening.

4. Whole milk 

 This drink is not good for people who want to lose weight as it contains a lot of calories that hinder weight loss.

5. Alcoholic beverages 

 Alcoholic drinks are loaded with empty calories, which may slow down the body's ability to burn fat, making your weight loss goal difficult to achieve. So if you want to lose weight.

  now will you stop using food that you think it may be helpful in weight loss !!, but more harmful than you think or imagine? here's some Tips on how to create your own diet plan

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